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Tech Support Scams: How to Deal with Fraudulent Tech Calls

Tech Support Scams: How to Deal with Fraudulent Tech Calls image
Updated: November 28th, 2023
In an era where technology is intertwined with almost every aspect of our lives, the rise of tech support scams has become a significant concern. These scams, cleverly orchestrated by fraudsters, prey on the trust and sometimes limited tech knowledge of individuals.
Understanding and recognizing these fraudulent schemes is not just a matter of safeguarding personal information; it's about staying one step ahead of the scammers. This post aims to empower you with the knowledge and tools to effectively identify and deal with fraudulent tech calls, ensuring your digital safety and peace of mind.

Understanding Tech Support Scams

Tech support scams typically begin with a phone call, email, or pop-up message claiming that your computer is at risk, infected, or in need of urgent repair. These fraudsters often impersonate reputable tech companies, convincing you that they have detected a non-existent problem with your device. The scam's endgame? To trick you into paying for unnecessary tech support services, to gain remote access to your computer, or to steal sensitive personal information.
The tactics employed by scammers are diverse. They might use technical jargon, fake error messages, or alarming pop-ups to create a sense of urgency. In some instances, they may claim to offer a refund for previous tech support services, using this as a ploy to get your bank account or credit card details. Real-life examples include calls from individuals claiming to be from well-known tech companies, asking for remote access to fix an issue, or demanding payment for services you never subscribed to.

The Most Common Red Flags of Fraudulent or Scam Calls

Identifying a tech support scam call can be straightforward if you know what to look for. Here are some red flags:
  • Unsolicited Contact - Legitimate tech companies rarely make unsolicited calls to offer support. Be wary of any unexpected tech support calls, especially if they request remote access to your device.
  • Pressure Tactics - Scammers often create a sense of urgency, insisting immediate action is needed to fix a serious problem. They may use scare tactics, such as claiming your computer will crash if you don’t act fast.
  • Requests for Personal Information - Be cautious if the caller requests personal details, such as passwords, bank information, or credit card numbers. Legitimate tech support will never ask for sensitive data during an unsolicited call.
  • Use of Technical Jargon - Scammers may use complex technical language to confuse you into believing there is a problem with your computer.
  • Payment Requests for Free Services - If you are asked to pay for services that are typically free, like virus removal or software updates, it's a clear sign of a scam.

4 Immediate Steps to Take During a Suspected Scam Call

If you suspect you're on the phone with a scammer, take these immediate steps:
  1. Do Not Share Personal Information - Never provide personal or financial information. This includes passwords, credit card numbers, or bank details.
  2. Avoid Granting Remote Access - Do not allow the caller to take remote control of your computer. Legitimate tech support teams usually don't request remote access without your prior consent.
  3. Hang Up and Research - If in doubt, hang up. You can always call the company directly using a phone number from their official website to verify the legitimacy of the call.
  4. Keep Records - If possible, take notes during the call, including the caller's details and the phone number they used. This information can be useful when reporting a scam.

Reporting the Scam

Reporting tech support scams is crucial in helping combat these fraudulent activities. Here’s how you can report them:
  • Contact Local Authorities - Inform your local police or consumer protection agency about the scam attempt.
  • Notify Tech Companies - If the scammer impersonated a specific tech company, inform that company. Most have dedicated channels for reporting such incidents.
  • File a Complaint with Consumer Protection Websites - Websites like the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) in the U.S. allow you to file a complaint online. Providing details helps them track and fight these scams.
  • Spread the Word - Inform your friends and family about the scam to prevent them from falling victim to similar tactics.

How to Protect Yourself from Future Scams?

Here are some preventive measures to safeguard yourself from future tech support scams:
  1. Update Your Software Regularly - Keep your operating system and antivirus software up to date to protect against malware and viruses.
  2. Educate Yourself - Familiarize yourself with the common tactics used by scammers. The more you know, the less likely you are to be deceived.
  3. Install Call-Blocking Tools - Use call-blocking tools to prevent scam calls from reaching you.
  4. Be Skeptical - Always approach unsolicited calls with skepticism. If a caller claims there’s a problem with your computer, it’s likely a scam.
  5. Regular Backups - Regularly back up your data to prevent loss in case of a malware attack.

The Role of Technology in Combating Scams

While technology can be a gateway for scammers, it is also a powerful tool in fighting against them:
  • Tech Companies Taking Action - Many tech companies are implementing more stringent security measures and educating their customers about scams.
  • Innovative Software Solutions - There are numerous apps and software designed to detect and block scam calls and emails, enhancing your digital security.
  • Community Awareness Platforms - Online forums and social media groups are excellent resources for staying updated on new scam tactics and sharing experiences.


Tech support scams are a growing concern, but by staying informed and vigilant, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these fraudulent schemes. In addition to the steps outlined above, tools like PrivacyHawk can play a crucial role in safeguarding your data privacy.
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