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Identity Theft and Tax Fraud: What to Do During Tax Season

Identity Theft and Tax Fraud: What to Do During Tax Season image
Updated: December 27th, 2023
With the increasing reliance on digital communication and transactions, identity theft and tax fraud have become significant threats, particularly during tax season. Each year, numerous individuals fall prey to these sophisticated crimes, facing severe consequences.
In this article, we will discuss the critical aspects of identity theft and tax fraud, providing you with essential knowledge and tools to protect yourself during the most vulnerable time of the year.

What is Identity Theft and Tax Fraud?

Identity theft occurs when someone unlawfully obtains your personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or other identifiers, and uses it for their gain. Tax fraud, a subset of identity theft, happens when these stolen identities are used to file fraudulent tax returns or claim unentitled refunds.
The malefactors not only aim to steal money from the government but also can wreak havoc on the victim’s financial health and personal life. The process is often sophisticated and hard to detect, making it a preferred method for criminals seeking financial gain.

Why is Tax Season a Prime Time for Identity Thieves?

Tax season is a goldmine for identity thieves. During this period, a massive amount of sensitive personal and financial information is circulated as individuals and businesses file their tax returns. Fraudsters exploit this time to intercept this information, using various tactics.
Phishing emails disguised as legitimate tax communications, unsecured Wi-Fi networks, and even physical theft of documents are common strategies employed. They capitalize on the urgency and stress associated with tax filing to manipulate victims into revealing confidential information. The alarming part is that the victims might remain oblivious to the fraud until they receive a notice from the IRS or observe discrepancies in their financial statements.

Signs You Might Be a Victim of Tax Fraud

The sooner you detect identity theft or tax fraud, the better your chances of minimizing its impact. Be alert for signs such as:
  • Receiving a tax notice or refund you did not apply for.
  • IRS notifications about a tax return filed in your name when you haven’t filed yet.
  • Unexplained withdrawals or charges in your financial statements.
  • Rejection of your e-filed tax return due to a duplicate Social Security number.
  • Calls or letters regarding accounts or debts that are unfamiliar to you.
These indicators, while not always proof of fraud, warrant immediate attention and verification.

Preventive Measures: Protecting Your Identity During Tax Season

Prevention is undoubtedly better than cure when it comes to identity theft and tax fraud. Here are some actionable steps you can take:
  1. File Your Taxes Early: Beat the fraudsters by filing your taxes as soon as you have all the necessary documents. This leaves less opportunity for thieves to file fraudulently in your name.
  2. Use Secure Networks: Always use secure, private Wi-Fi networks when filing your taxes online. Public networks make your personal information more vulnerable to interception.
  3. Protect Your Social Security Number: Do not carry your Social Security card in your wallet, and provide your SSN only when absolutely necessary.
  4. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: For all tax-related accounts, use strong and unique passwords. Consider using a password manager to keep track of them.
  5. Beware of Phishing Scams: Be vigilant about unsolicited calls, emails, or messages asking for personal information, claiming to be from the IRS or tax companies.
  6. Use Trusted Tax Filing Services: Opt for reputable and recognized tax filing services, and avoid sharing sensitive information with unverified sources.
By incorporating these practices into your routine, especially during tax season, you significantly lower your risk of becoming a victim of these digital-age crimes.

What to Do If You're a Victim?

If you suspect or discover that you are a victim of identity theft or tax fraud, immediate action is crucial:
  1. Report to the Authorities: Contact the IRS immediately if you suspect tax-related identity theft. File a report with your local police department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
  2. Secure Your Accounts: Change passwords and secure your financial accounts. Contact your bank and credit card companies to alert them of potential fraud.
  3. Place a Fraud Alert: Contact one of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) to place a fraud alert on your credit reports. This makes it harder for fraudsters to open new accounts in your name.
  4. Gather Documentation: Collect all evidence related to the fraud, including any communication, notices received, and financial statements.
  5. Seek Legal Advice: Consider consulting a lawyer specializing in identity theft cases to guide you through the process of clearing your name and rectifying your records.

Role of Technology in Preventing and Detecting Fraud

Advancements in technology play a pivotal role in combatting identity theft and tax fraud. Various software and tools are now available that can alert you to suspicious activities, monitor your credit, and even freeze your credit files to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, tax filing software often includes security features that encrypt your data and safeguard your information during electronic filing.

Expert Opinions and Advice

Seeking advice from professionals is always beneficial. Tax advisors, cybersecurity experts, and law enforcement officials can provide valuable insights into the latest trends in fraud and the best practices for protection. They often emphasize the importance of staying informed, being vigilant, and using trusted services for handling personal and financial data.


In conclusion, while the risk of identity theft and tax fraud is real and ever-present, especially during tax season, there are numerous steps you can take to protect yourself. Implementing preventive measures, staying alert to the signs of fraud, and knowing what to do if you become a victim is key.
Furthermore, tools like PrivacyHawk can significantly bolster your defenses. PrivacyHawk assists in safeguarding your personal data by identifying which companies hold your information, providing options to opt-out, and facilitating the deletion of your data from thousands of companies.
This proactive approach to data management not only enhances your privacy but also reduces the likelihood of your information being misused for fraudulent activities. Remember, in the fight against identity theft and tax fraud, knowledge, vigilance, and the right tools are your best allies.
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