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How to Opt-Out, Delete, or Make Privacy Requests From Acxiom

How to Opt-Out, Delete, or Make Privacy Requests From Acxiom image
Updated: July 27th, 2022


Company Overview

Headquartered in the state of Arkansas, Acxiom is a company offering data management, data analytics, marketing and advertising services to businesses for the purpose of managing customer base and targeting potential customers. They are one of the many companies under the Interpublic Group of Companies (“IPG”), an Agency Holding Company accumulating billions of dollars in revenue each year. (For your interest, you may want to do some research on the IPG; it’s the 4th largest Agency Holding Company in the world in terms of yearly revenue.) Acxiom boasts a list of more than 70 partners on their website including Adobe, Dish Media, Google Cloud, Meta, Microsoft, Snapchat, Spotify and Verizon Media. Interested in the remainder of the list? View the list of Acxiom’s big partners on their website using the link below.
Acxiom’s List of Partners

Acxiom and Your Consumer Information

It’s always recommended to become familiar with a company’s policy on how they handle consumer information, especially in today’s world where data has become a form of currency. Read or peruse Acxiom’s Privacy Policies applicable to you in the Privacy section of their website to find out how they’re handling your consumer information. The image below shows the main page of their Privacy section as of July 22, 2022.
Click on the link below to open the main page of the Privacy section of Acxiom’s website as in the image above.
Acxiom’s Privacy Section – Main Page
If the link above doesn’t work, click on the “Privacy” link found on the website’s Footer (the bottom section of the website) as shown in the image below.
The pages of their Privacy section titled “Privacy Policy for” and “US Products Privacy Policy” admit that the company is involved in the sharing of information among the family of companies under the Interpublic Group of Companies. Both pages can be accessed by clicking on the link in the scroll down menu located on the right side of the main Privacy page. Acxiom promises that the sharing of such information is in the best interest of:
  • supporting the relationship between the company and consumers
  • increasing visitor’s ease in the use of the website
  • informing consumers of services and product updates, new products and other related information from the company
Nevertheless, you can’t really trust a company like Acxiom; it’s become common knowledge that data companies often breach their own policies for the sake of profit. If you’re not comfortable with the company’s handling of consumer information, there are means to opt out of their marketing campaigns and request that they delete your consumer information as made mandatory by law.

Acxiom, a Data Broker Company

Acxiom can be classified as a Data Broker Company as it has access to information collected directly from consumers and through third party companies. With access to so much data on individuals, companies like Acxiom become the target of corporations looking to increase their already overflowing databases. As a result, there’s a great chance that Acxiom may be selling your consumer information to other companies and you have a right to be both sceptical and concerned. However, with the law on your side, you can request that Acxiom prevent the sale of your consumer information and even delete that information to give you a peace of mind.

Opting Out and Deleting Your Consumer Information

As stated in their Privacy Policy, Acxiom recognizes current US laws granting consumers the right to have their information deleted from the company’s databases and/or opt out of current and future marketing campaigns through which their information can be sold. Therefore, Acxiom has made provisions for anyone desiring to make such requests. No matter if the request is a miniscule link on a webpage or a link lost somewhere in the Privacy Policies, we’ll help you find your way.
Requests to opt out of Acxiom’s marketing campaigns or delete your consumer information are processed online beginning with an online form. The forms are accessed at the bottom of the “Your Choice for” webpage as shown in the image below.
Click on the link below to access the “Your Choice for” webpage containing links to the forms as shown in the image above.
Acxiom’s Request Page to Opt Out, Access or Delete Information
If the link above doesn’t function, a link to the request page can be found under the “Your Choices and How to Contact Us” heading in the “Privacy Policy for” page as shown in the image below.
On the request page, click on the “Access/Deletion” link to request deletion of your consumer information or click on the “Opt Out” link to opt out of Acxiom’s marketing campaigns. Both links lead to similar forms in which you need to fill out your personal information then submit. An example of the form is shown in the image below.
Acxiom promises that you will receive a response within two weeks in which you will be asked to proceed through an identity verification process before the request can be fulfilled. There is no given timeline as to the length of time it will take for Acxiom to fulfill your request.

Freedom Exercised

If you’ve requested to be opted out from Acxiom’s marketing campaigns and/or to have your consumer information deleted from their databases, you’ve made an excellent decision. Feel confident knowing that you’ve become one of many Americans who’ve taken another step to exercise their personal data rights against big businesses and corporations. Be at ease knowing that Acxiom no longer has the right to sell your data to the data-hungry business world.
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